Sale Vega PRO 40 Table Saw Fence System With 42-Inch Fence Bar, 40-Inch to Right
Upgrade your saw to a precise cutting machine at a reasonable price with the Vega PRO 40 Table Saw Fence System. It was specially designed to use the existing bolt holes (no drilling required) of Delta Unisaws and Contractors Saws, Powermatic Model 66 and most Sears 10 in. saws. Little accuracy is needed as the fence mounting system allows full adjustment. Installation may be as little as 15-minutes. (Includes 42-Inch Fence Bar, 40-Inch to Right)Uses existing hole pattern for Delta Unisaw, Contractor, Powermatic 66, Sears 10-inch saws40-inch right and 10-inch left of bladeFence mounting system allows full adjustment for accuracyMicro adjustment and aux table supportGuide rails supported by brackets, 2-1/2-inch fence height Uses existing hole pattern for Delta Unisaw, Contractor, Powermatic 66, Sears 10-inch saws 40-inch right and 10-inch left of blade Fence mounting system allows full adjustment for accuracy Micro adjustment and aux table support Guide rails supported by brackets, 2-1/2-inch fence height
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